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#7 Send Your Signals And Practice In Public

Heather Zhou

In the past month, I started to share my thoughts on social media. During this time, I have become more accustomed psychologically to expressing myself in public, ignoring how many people I can reach. I also take sharing as a way of learning.

And here are the 4 things I’ve learned in this process.

  • Be BRAVE to send your signals

  • Show your journey to mastery

  • “Find out who you are, and do it on purpose”

  • Crafting the skill of gaining attention

Photo by Merlin Lightpainting

Be Brave To Send Your Signals

There were hidden thoughts that kept me from expressing myself in public.

Some are silly ideas like everything I can think of has already been thought of by someone else, so my expression is not of value.

Now I see all original expressions are unique and worthy to be heard. Indeed we may share similar opinions with others, but our expression come from different contexts and experiences. Your feelings, thoughts, and stories should be told by yourselves.

Another inner obstacle is that I have a critical imaginary audience in my head telling me I’m posting something “wrong.” And I’m somehow quite good at imagining, so that makes it worse.

I know some people never have this concern about expressing themselves. I envied them a bit, but I decided to imitate them. I tell myself many times that fear is the mind-killer; I should face it, accept it, and overcome it.

Now I imagine myself as a fully charged signal tower, constantly sending out my messages to the world. Only by sending out messages is it possible to get a response.

Show Your Journey To Mastery

When I talk to others about showcasing a certain aspect of themselves online, I often hear this response: I think it’s not the time for me yet, because I don’t have enough knowledge, skills, or stories.

Viewing the influencers with huge follower bases may make us think we don’t have the qualifications to create in public yet.

Being a content creator means productizing your being. It’s obvious you can productize your mastery online. It’s not obvious that you can also productize your journey to mastery and grow a community along the way.

If you are concerned about showing the beginner state, remember what Casey Neistat said: “The reality is nobody gives a sh*t. Nobody has time for you and the sooner you accept that as a creative person, the sooner you're free.”

You can start anytime you want.

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.”

This is a quote from Dorothy Parton.

For me, “Find out who you are” is about finding your own identity and strengths in the crowd.

In Letter No. 6, I wrote, “After you have seen countless facets of human characteristics, you can better recognize your strengths in the crowd.” As soon as you start posting, you’ll start to compare yourself with others in your feed. And that’s a way of identifying your peculiarity.

Do it on purpose” is a consequent result after you know who you are because it’s human nature that when you know your strengths, you just can’t bear to waste them.

When you are being yourself, you will naturally be full of energy, constantly have new ideas, and feel the need to verify them for yourself.

Crafting the Skill of Gaining Attention

Gaining attention is a must-have modern skill for professionals.

After sending your signals, you’d expect some response to feel a sense of existence. The only way to get it is to continuously craft your messages.

You gradually understand how information is disseminated, and by adjusting yourself, you will slowly receive more responses. Be patient and focus on the feedback. It is all about A/B testing.

Always be yourself. In a world filled with AI content, you can only stand out by making the best of your originality.

You’re not perfect; well, no one is.

You’re not ready, but you don’t have to be.

The best time to start is always now.


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